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Are E-Cigarettes Safe?

Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes or e-cigs, are electronic devices that some smokers use as a way to cut back on their nicotine usage. These small devices come in a few different types, including disposable models that you can throw away later and those that come with a rechargeable battery inside. Some models even have a tip that lights up and a soft filter to mimic the feel of smoking a real cigarette. Though you might hear stories from people who claim they successfully stopped smoking cigarettes after using one, there are some possible safety concerns relating to electronic cigarettes.

What is an E-Cig?

An electronic cigarette is a small device that fits in your hand and mimics the shape and length of a real cigarette. Most feature a small hole on one end that acts as a filter. The liquid inside the device mimics the taste of traditional or menthol cigarettes. With some devices, you remove the small filter on one end when the liquid runs out and screw on a new filter. Vaporizers are similar but feature a reservoir inside that you fill with a liquid you buy or make.

Ingredients in Electronic Cigarettes

The most common ingredient found in an electronic cigarette is nicotine. This is the substance that makes people feel addicted to traditional cigarettes. It may make them feel slightly euphoric and give them more energy too. When they cannot smoke, they experience symptoms like anger, frustration and irritability. You may feel this way when you first wake up in the morning or after going several hours at work without a cigarette. According to the American Lung Association, e-cigarettes may also contain other chemicals and substances like formaldehyde and some even contain chemicals found in antifreeze.

Nicotine Levels

One reason some think that using an electronic cigarette is safer than smoking regular cigarettes is because manufacturers create devices that use different amounts of nicotine. You typically start out at the highest level available and then move down to a lower level. As you work your way down, you can eventually use an e-cig that tastes the same as those you used before but does not contain any nicotine. Even those who reach this point may still find themselves addicted. Instead of reaching for a pack of cigarettes, you may have a difficult or even impossible time getting through a day without your e-cig.

Safety Concerns

The American Lung Association warns people from using electronic cigarettes because the United States Food and Drug Administration still has not done or released any research into the safety of these devices. The FDA is the government agency responsible for ensuring the safety of food and drug products used by citizens living in the country today. What little research does exist serves to point out the dangerous chemicals found in the devices and the way these devices may encourage younger people to smoke. Young people may use e-cigs because they like the fun flavors that are now available.

There are a number of effective methods that can help you stop smoking, including aversion therapy and smoking cessation aids like nicotine gum and smoking patches, but many people do not count e-cigs as an effective smoking cessation device. As there is little research available on e-cigarettes, it may be beneficial to try other safer methods to stop smoking.

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