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5 Frequently Asked Questions About Global Warming

Global warming has become a political talking point and is often a divisive issue for those from differing points of view. Therefore, it is important to have a clear sense of what global warming is all about. To get started, here are the five most frequently asked questions related to global warming.

1. Is global warming the same as climate change?

Both terms are used frequently in the modern discourse, but they are not actually interchangeable. Global warming is a very specific scientific phenomenon, referring to the Earth’s rising temperature. Climate change is a broader environmental issue. Climate change essentially looks at the effect of global warming on the planet, exploring its problematic relationship with the weather, the oceans and Earth’s ecosystems. Although many politicians still talk about global warming, scientists actually prefer to discuss climate change because it is more inclusive of the sweeping changes impacting the planet.

2. What is the cause of global warming?

Global warming can be largely attributed to the increase of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere. While many of these gases are natural, modern society has produced more than ever due to the burning of fossil fuels in cars, homes and factories. Since these gases are gathering in the atmosphere more frequently, they essentially create an extra layer around the Earth, which effectively traps in more heat than before. This makes the planet warmer, leading to climate change over time.

3. What proof is there that global warming exists?

Global warming is controversial because its signs are not plainly evident to the common person. However, by looking at the evidence scientifically, it is clear that the phenomenon does exist. Scientists have recorded the Earth’s temperature over time, showing a clear and consistent rise in recent years. Moreover, the oceans have risen over the last century with an extra seven inches on average. Glaciers, which have weathered centuries of change, are shrinking at surprising rates, and the Arctic is smaller than it has ever been. This evidence is just the start, and scientists continue to uncover new and worrying signs.

4. Why is global warming dangerous?

Some risks are more immediate. Rising oceans could put seaside communities around the world at risk, and the loss of land will eventually cause entire cities to change. Global warming is also linked to more extreme climate shifts, which may lead to more natural disasters like cyclones, hurricanes, floods, droughts and more. These extreme weather conditions could eventually impede farming production, possibly leading to lowered yields and reduced access to food and water. Animals have already begun shifting their habits due to the changing weather, and birds in particular have moved their migrations northward. These changes will impact local ecosystems around the world with unpredictable consequences.

5. Can global warming be reversed?

Because global warming is a man-made phenomenon, it is within society’s power to fix the problem. This starts with the reduction of greenhouse gases into the environment. Man-made gases often come from the burning of fossil fuels like coal for energy. Therefore, by reducing energy consumption, fewer greenhouse gases are emitted. While all people may think their contributions are marginal, a worldwide effort to conserve energy can and will have a palpable effect. Reducing energy consumption in the home is a good place to start, and using eco-friendly cars or mass transit is also important.

These five questions are nothing more than the start of the discussion. Global warming is an important topic that should continue to influence our conversations before it dramatically influences our lives.

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