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Graduate Ranking Process

Rating and Ranking Methodology

Tuition Points

  1. Under $29,999—1 point
  2. Under $26,999—2 points
  3. Under $23,999-3 points
  4. Under $20,999—4 points
  5. Under $17,999—5 points
  6. Under $14,999—6 points
  7. Under $11,999—7 points
  8. Under $8,999—8 points

Student to Faculty Ratio Points

  1. Above 35-1 point awarded
  2. Above 30-2 point awarded
  3. Above 25-3 points awarded
  4. Above 20-4 points awarded
  5. Above 15-5 points awarded
  6. Above 10-6 points awarded

National Recognition

  1. Top 100-1 point
  2. Top 40-2 point
  3. Top 30-3 points
  4. Top 20-4 points
  5. Top 10-5 points
  6. Top 5-6 points

Three bonus points were added for schools with tuition below $500 per credit hour.